The Original Ashtanga Yoga
Shala in Georgia


4-week Beeginner cours
Next course starts Sunday, June 2nd 2024

Join us in this 4-weeek course for a comprehensive introduction to the practice of Ashtanga
Yoga. Tuition includes 4 weeks of Sunday semi-private, 90 minute workshops with one of our highly trained and qualified AYA instructors along with AYA director, Todd Roderick.


5-week Vedic Chanting Course
Starts Sunday, June 2nd


Dedicated to the teachings of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and the practice of traditional yoga.

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Mysore practice is a style of learning which is unique to Ashtanga Yoga. This method is how Ashtanga Yoga is traditionally taught and practiced. It is the only true all levels yoga class. Its aim is to help students build an individualized yoga practice and daily yoga routine. The practice is taught using sequences of postures that are learned slowly, step by step.

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