Yoga Online Intensive Course

This course is designed for those new to yoga or for those who want to brush up on the ancient philosophy taught through the practice of yoga. This is a four-week, online learning modality designed for all levels.

This course will be taught by KPJAYI Authorized teacher, Brice Elizabeth Watson, and will also include two private sessions with Reiki practitioner, Emmie Simpson.

This course will start on Sunday, January 22, 2023, at 2PM Eastern Time.  The Sunday class will be for two hours (2-4PM), each Sunday, ending on Sunday, February 12th.  During the two hours class, you will go deep into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, as well as review the Chakra System and the Ayurvedic Dosha system.   Each student will receive an online PDF manual the evening before the start of the course, along with a zoom link for the day of the course. Before the start of the course, the student will be required to purchase Sri Swami Satchidanda’s commentary of the Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjli.  A link to this book will be provided in a welcome email after the registering for the course.

The students in this course will also be divided up into two or three smaller groups for asana (posture) work during the week (times to be determined by the group).   This posture work will have a heavy focus on the Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) and the Vinyasa count.  The Sun Salutations are the basis of all asana (posture) work and is an excellent starting point in one’s journey into this practice.

Each meeting will be recorded on zoom and a copy sent to each student after the class.  There will also be a recording of Brice doing the Sun Salutations sent to the group as a way to help each student in his or her practice during the week.


This will be a high demand course with homework.  Only serious students should apply.  There is limited seating due to the private nature and individual attention given to each student.   Because of this, there will be no returns or refunds 48 hours before the start of the course.

The price of the course is $500.   This price also includes two private Reiki Sessions with Emmie.   We have incorporated Reiki into this course for the student to have a better understanding of the energy taught in yoga as well as better understand their bodies own ability to heal.

*Please note that because this is a study of traditional yoga, this course nor its teachers are affiliated with the Yoga Alliance.

For payments:
*In order for you to receive your Zoom link for the course it is required for you to submit your name and email address below.

To Contact Brice Regarding This Course:

Private Lessons

1 hour zoom $150

Pack of 3 hour zoom lessons (to be used in one month): $300

1 hour in person private at Ashtanga Yoga Atlanta or Sacred Garden Yoga $200

Please note that for private zoom lessons, the focus will be on strengthening exercises based on the yoga practice. For in house private lessons, the focus will be primarily on the Ashtanga Yoga practice unless specified otherwise by the client. 

For Private Lessons, please first contact Brice at to be scheduled and for payment information to be exchanged.
Please note, all payments should be made in full prior to private lessons.


Brice Elizabeth Watson / Yoga:

Brice first discovered yoga in London, England, in 2001 at the age of 18.  She started to take a more serious approach around 2006 while living in Los Angeles, CA.  After feeling a need to dive deeper into the philosophical practice of yoga, Brice began a daily ashtanga practice in 2010. In 2013, Brice became a student of David Garrigues of Philadelphia, PA. David, being only one of 47 certified to teach by the late Pattabhi Jois, deepened Brice's understanding of the sacred yoga text, Sanskrit study, and pranayama and Vedic chanting. In 2015, Brice made her first extended trip to Mysore, India, and became a student of Paramguru Sharath Jois (grandson of the late Pattabhi Jois) at KPJAYI. In 2017, Brice was blessed and granted authorization to teach the ashtanga method by her teacher, the Paramguru. Brice is only one of three people honored to be authorized to teach in the state of Georgia. At present, she is also the only female authorized in the state of Georgia. Always a student, Brice continues to take annual trip to India to further her study at KPJAYI.

Brice's intention in her teaching is to bring the power of philosophy into the asana practice, a philosophy that has changed her life and is the foundation of yoga. She is honored to have the privilege to share what she's been given and strives to hold the highest integrity, discipline, and devotion in the yoga room.

Brice lives in Atlanta, GA. Brice also runs The Mysore Foundation, a non-profit, with KPJAYI authorized teacher Marque Garaux (Great Lakes Ashtanga). With The Mysore Foundation, they work tirelessly to provide for children living in poverty in India and continue to rescue street dogs (India Pariah Dogs).



Emmie Simpson / Reiki:

Emmie Simpson is a devoted wife, mother and healer. She began her relentless pursuit of holistic health and wellness in her early twenties as a young mother to heal her own pain, trauma and wounds created through various forms of loss, tragedy, addiction and abuse. Through education and experience, Emmie has healed from a plethora of trauma; childhood trauma and abuse; the loss of her entire family of origin within a 12 year time span; sexual, verbal, psychological, financial and narcissistic abuse; alcohol, opiate and food addictions; fibromyalgia; post acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) from dangerous pharmaceuticals; severe depression, anxiety and attachment issues including trauma bonding and codependency.

Spiritual tools including reiki, yoga, meditation, visualization, affirmations and prayer, along with healthy exercise, proper supplementation and diet are integral in her healing journey. Healing is rarely neat or linear, it can be messy and long, filled with confusion and lots of snot and tears, sleepless nights, missed work and events. But with gentle, compassionate support, healing is the key to empowerment, tremendous personal growth and freedom. Emmie is extremely passionate about helping others liberate themselves and find sovereignty through healing.

Education and Training (Teachers in parentheses)

Official Registered Certifications:

● Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1 and 2 (Tanya Krupa, Be Well Holistic)
● Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Master (William Lee Rand, Founder and President of International Center for Reiki Training)
● Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki Master (Colleen Beneli, Reiki Lifestyle)
● Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki Master Upgrade (William Lee Rand and Colleen Beneli)
● Kundalini Reiki (Amy Phoenix, Arising Phoenix Solutions)

Unofficial Attunements:
Attunements for the following received via Quantum Hypnosis and Channeling sessions.
● Pleiadian Healing energies (Holly Strong, Quintessential Healing Arts)
● Gaian Healing energies (Holly Strong, Quintessential Healing Arts)